Reported by Jason Elias:
On Saturday, January 20, 2018,  hundreds of thousands of people showed up for the Women’s March in Downtown LA (KTLA estimated 400,000). As part of that, under the guidance of Acharya Emily Bower, Shambhala Social Action spearheaded a Flash Meditation Mob along the marcher’s path.
Roughly 15 of us showed up and sat for 20-25 minutes near the corner of Hill and 2nd. As we sat, a remarkable number of people stopped to take photos and video of us. For the most part, it felt like most people were supportive of our action as well as having their interest piqued. Whatever the reason, it was a wonderful experience to be there with Sangha and felt very good just showing up.

Interestingly, at one point near the end of our sit, a video cameraman accompanied by a man in a suit filmed us for a few minutes then walked off and shouted very loudly, “Make America Great Again!!”
Overall, the entire day was fantastic, the crowd was huge and peaceful, and it felt good to sit open-heartedly as the marcher’s passed.
Thanks to everyone you came out… and were with us in spirit.
— Jason Elias
(Photos © Jason Elias)

One thought on “WOMEN’S MARCH LA 2018 MEDITATION

  1. Hi Jason! Thanks so much for this post — I’d love to reprint it on the Shambhala Times. Please get in touch with me directly if you have questions or concerns.
    With all best wishes,
    Carol Henderson
    Editor, Shambhala Times