shambhala training guides in los angeles

Radiating Confidence

We felt the warm rays of the Great Eastern Sun this past weekend as 27 members of Shambhala completed the Shambhala Guide Training program led by Shastri Pamela Bothwell at our Eagle Rock Center in Los Angeles.

Meditation Books and Supplies now available at our Eagle Rock Center

Physical bookstores are rare these days! Any proceeds from purchases at the Shambhala Meditation Center Bookstore go back into supporting our Center. If you’re thinking of purchasing a book, consider buying it from us first. Stop by and learn more about our offerings. We look forward to seeing you!

shambhala meditation

What is Shambhala: A Global Community

Shambhala: A Global Community Shambhala is a global community of people inspired by the principle that every human being has a fundamental nature of basic goodness. This nature, our innate wisdom, can be developed so that it benefits our own lives and helps meet the many challenges facing the world. Shambhala welcomes people from all … Continue 

Wrestling with the Funny/Sad Eternal Now

  Los Angeles Shambhala member Aaron Crowe beautifully delves in to the tender heart of sadness and humor.  This post is primarily about a depressed cartoon bear and his adventures with an overly zealous, rosy little hippo. There are, however, other matters to consider first. There is the matter of wisdom, of suffering, of this … Continue 


Heart of Recovery

Every week, we invite addicts and their families to come share their stories and support one other. In addition, we explore how the 12 steps and Buddhism can work together to help an addict come to terms with their addiction and learn to walk on the beautiful, extraordinary, spiritual and magical path of sobriety and recovery.