Shambhala Day 2024 & End of Year Practices
Shambhala Day marks the beginning of the New Year and represents one of the most important traditions of Shambhala Buddhism. This year, the Year of the Wood Dragon, Shambhala Day falls on February 10th. We have unique practices for the 11 days leading up to this celebration.
Shambhala Los Angeles in Burbank will be under construction, so we encourage everyone to join Shambhala Online for the End of Year Practices and Shambhala Day. We also encourage people to get together locally that evening for dinner to celebrate in person.
EASTSIDE/BURBANK: The Eastside/Valley gathering will be an uplifted potluck dinner and celebration at the home of Lea and Ralph Basch in North Hollywood. Please phone or email Nancy Gillis 818.625.2118 nmgillis108 @ to RSVP and to discuss dinner contribution details.
WESTSIDE/SANTA MONICA: If you are interested in attending the Westside gathering, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kate Summers via email at kate.le @
ORANGE COUNTY: Savlov will coordinate the potluck and RSVPs at Clubhouse 5 in Laguna Woods. You can reach Steve at steverun6 @ or 602-315-1384.
Shambhala Day 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon Live Broadcast
Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 am (PST)
Shambhala Day Broadcast Registration
The theme for this year’s Shambhala Online broadcast program is Reflecting on the Practice of Community and will include joining together in group practice, sharing Shambhala culture, and greetings from throughout our worldwide community. It will be a time to celebrate community, our shared love of practice, and the Shambhala teachings and culture.
Shambhala Day marks the beginning of the New Year, based on the traditional Tibetan New Year’s celebration of Losar. The day is calculated astrologically according to the Tibetan lunar calendar and changes yearly to coincide with the annual lunar cycles.
In Tibetan astrology, the Year of the Dragon is associated with qualities of wisdom, confidence, cleverness, and honesty. In Dragon years, we may see revolutionary ideas, but these years can also be known for reliability and a lack of arrogance. The element of Wood in the upcoming Wood Dragon year makes this year less fierce and domineering than other dragon times, bringing us a year with the potential for working well with others and being able to compromise when needed.
Shambhala Online End-of-Year Practices
Join Shambhala Online each day from Jan 30 to Feb 8 from Noon to around 1:00 pm (Pacific Time) for a FREE line-up of “Shambhala New Year Programming.”
These special events will take place in the end-of-year practice period before Shambhala Day and will feature talks by teachers in our community, followed by group recitations of the protector, mamo, and closing chants. Everyone is welcome to attend. Presenters for these end-of-year practice sessions will include Rhea Colmar, Lennart Krogoll, Tillie Perks, Judith Simmer-Brown, Jeff Scott, Greg Smith, and more!
Visit this link for more info & free registration
Visit this link to sign up for Daily End-of-Season Practice Reminders
About Protector Practices & The New Year
Here are three articles to help you learn more about this time of year and protector practice:
The Protector Ritual by Russell Rodgers
Obstacles and Antidotes by Andrew Sacamano
Mamos Clarified by Oscar Garcia
Finishing One Year, Starting Anew by Walker Blaine