Shambhala Social Action LA

Social Action LA

Following the Sakyong’s View that all aspects of society are gateways to manifesting Enlightened Society, Shambhala Social Action LA is a new meditation group that will focus on non-partisan aspects in the political/social realm, supporting groups we feel are doing work in accord with Enlightened Society Principles.


Maitri Space Awareness & Karuna Training with Shastri Sandra Ladley

Upcoming weekend programs and workshops with Visiting Teacher Shastri Sandra Ladley. Open to all but are in particular for those who are interested in subjects such as psychology, activism, the art of everyday life and Vajrayana Buddhism.

BuddhaFest LA

BuddhaFest coming to LA

June 2-4, 2017: Film Premieres, Filmmakers, Special Guests, Wisdom Talks, Live MusicFilm Premieres and Live Music.

Parinirvana Reflections

Many of Shambhala holidays and observations change dates each year according to the Tibetan lunar calendar. One that doesn’t change is April 4th – the Parinirvana of Shambhala’s founder, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a.k.a., The Dorje Dradul of Mukpo Dong. He died April 4, 1987 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. That day turned unusually cold they … Continue 

On The Dorje Kasung and Pacifying the Mamos

This is a first in a series to introduce a major service organization of our Shambhala community. The organization is called the Dorje Kasung. The following is by Darryl Burnham, Kadö, the Windhorse Regiment Commander of the Dorje Kasung for the Southwest.  Dorje is a Tibetan word that means indestructible or diamond-like, and Kasung refers to … Continue