Chogyam Trungpa Cowboy Hat

Meeting the Teacher

There was a silence. Then someone else asked what a Shambhala Warrior was like. “Cheerful,” said CTR, and he paused for a moment, “But strange”. And then it was over.

Ordinary Magic

“Work, Sex and Money” Ashe Acharya John Rockwell (podcast)

This is the first episode of our podcast, Ordinary Magic. This week, we bring you a recent public talk by Ashe Acharya John Rockwell, entitled “Work, Sex and Money.”

Through a Prism, Possibility: an Interview with Ashe Acharya John Rockwell

Ashe Acharya John Rockwell is one of our most experienced and realized teachers. He’s also an extremely generous and engaging gentleman. He graciously sat down with us recently on a sunny afternoon in Hollywood to talk about Los Angeles, plants, food, ecology, and what role Los Angeles might play in the larger Shambhala mandala and social transformation in general

The Buddy System

They put their stethoscope on her ears and let her listen, his heart wasn’t beating, it was her heart she was hearing. He was dead after the first shot hit his head.


A poem.